Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
under the patronage of Blessed John Henry Newman

       Called to be One
        Sharing the vision for truth and unity
       in communion with the successor of Peter
Called to be ONE
Called to be HOLY
Called to be CATHOLIC

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Almighty God,
our heavenly Father,
who, through the
Child-Bearing of Mary,
gave us your Son:
Grant us also,
by the power of your Spirit
and through the intercession
of Our Lady of Walsingham,
that the
Called to be One Exploration Day
may bear fruit
to the increase of your Church
and the glory of your Name;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Click here to download the Prayer Card


was an exploration day held on Saturday, 6 September 2014,
designed for people who are not currently members of the Ordinariate
but who are interested in the vision for truth and unity in communion
with the successor of Peter which it offers and wish to learn more about it.
Ordinariate groups across the country organised activities
to show what it means to be part of this great ecumenical project.
Local events included an address, input from local lay members
of the Ordinariate, refreshments concluding with Evensong and/or
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

From the address
of Benedict XVl
to the Catholic Bishops of
England, Scotland and Wales
September 19, 2010.

[The Apostolic Consitution, Anglicanorum Coetibus,]
"should be seen as a
prophetic gesture that
can contribute positively
to the developing relations
Anglicans and Catholics.
It helps us to set our sights
on the ultimate goal
of all ecumenical activity:
the restoration of full
ecclesial communion
in the context of which
the mutual exchange of gifts
from our respective
spiritual patrimonies
serves as an enrichment
to us all.
Let us continue to pray
and work unceasingly
in order to hasten
the joyful day when that goal
can be accomplished".

Benedict XVl